Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jesus Loves All Children

Jesus Loves All Children
original poem by Avon Compton
and additional verse by Tammy Compton Hauge
Illustrations by Tim Compton when he was 5
Cover and flannelboard figures by Terry Ann Compton Harward when she was 14
Copyright 1965, 2011
May be reproduced for family, school and church use. Commercial use only with permission of the author

Jesus loves all children
No matter who they are.
The little dark skinned

And baby dressed
in fur.

He loves the

With hair
of golden hue.

And all the

babies,  too.

He loves the ones
in wheelchairs,
And those with freckled skin.

He loves the perfect,
and the scarred,
He loves
what is within.

He asked us to be
And kind
as we can be,
To all these

Whenever them,
we see.


While I was growing up,  I distinctly remember observing that my parents loved people from different cultures.  I remember my mom making it a point to teach me respect for all races.  

This poem was written by my mom in 1965 when Civil Rights movement was  gaining momentum and language was in flux.  My mom used the term "Negro," in her original poem,  which was considered appropriate and polite at that time, as my mom intended,  but which is now thought of as somewhat demeaning and Colonialistic.   I  re-wrote some of the poem to update that type of  language, and to include the mention of other children loved by Jesus,  who might be thought of as "different,"  such as those in wheelchairs. 

Personally,  I don't really have an insight into who Jesus loves, but I like to think that Jesus is as my mom  describes him in her poem. 

I hope I have been sensitive and respectful in reproducing this poem and welcome any comments or suggestions.   

My mom was a wonderful example to me during  her active life.  She  enthusiastically embraced  everyone from everywhere, and especially those who were "different." 


Love Tammy


  1. I am so excited to find your blog! I just came across the flannel pieces to a story my mom used to share with us when we were kids...Curious Katy and the Best Home in the World. Even though I have the flannel pieces, I can't seem to find the story itself anywhere. I wondered if you, by chance, might have a copy of the story text? We'd be so excited to get it and be able to share it with our own kids!


  2. I owned a preschool in Cedar City, UT for several years and one of my teachers had an original notebook of Avon's stories. I now only have copies-but sure adore each and every flannel board story. I decided to look up the store name on google and LOVE your family blog! This is fabulous and I hope to see more. -Dolly
